Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Significance of a Team Travel Meet

Many of you (swimmers and parents) have often asked, or wondered, why we plan team-travel meets (athletes traveling as a group without their parents).  There are several reasons why the coaches feel this is important and feel that we should share these with you.

We are very fortunate to have a group of such dedicated and hard-working athletes.  There are many benefits that your swimmer(s) will experience from a team travel trip.  Often, these are dangled as “rewards” in front of swimmers to “inspire” them to attend practice, work hard, and “be good kids.”  We, and you, are blessed – they already do all of that!  While it is true that a team trip is a great “reward” and wonderful way to cap off a great season, there are many other benefits.

Team travel is a great way for our athletes to further bond their friendships, become closer to team members that they may not know as well,  learn to work together as a team, and discover the importance and satisfaction of representing their entire team and not just themselves.

Additionally, team travel presents an opportunity for young athletes to experience and grow their independence.  As coaches, we are committed to supervision of athletes at all times.  However, there are times when athletes will need to make decisions on their own or with guidance from someone other than their parents…just like the real world of college and employment.

Swimmers are often inspired by the performance of athletes at “new” meets.  Many times there are nationally, and internationally, ranked swimmers at meets we have considered attending.  It is also good for our swimmers to see different faces behind the blocks that are the same age and see where they “stack up” with athletes from different areas (there’s more to swimming than Ohio).

At our most recent trip to Orlando, Florida, our swimmers got to watch (AND SWIM) with Ryan Lochte, Amanda Weir, Peter Vanderkaay (yes, that’s spelled correctly), and many other athletes who will be competing at the USA Olympic Trials in Omaha.  (Ask Thomas Dawson what happens when you get in the way of one of these athletes during warm-ups).  But one of the most inspiring athletes at the meet was a 14 year old girl who swam her Olympic Trial cut in the 800m Freestyle and turned around less than 10 minutes later to get a new OT cut in the 200 Butterfly (out-touched by .10 for second place in the event).  All of our swimmers were talking about her (in a good way) and were both inspired and motivated by her performances at the meet.

We plan ahead for these meets and expect mad-crazy performances at these meets.  However, we also plan to set aside some time for a fun experience that includes something away from the pool.

While these experiences are priceless, we are conscientious about the cost of these meets.  Coaches Laurie and Lew have both had many experiences of planning trips for groups ranging from 3 to over 200 athletes and are confident that we can arrange a trip that will be cost-effective and reasonable.

We would like to plan a parent meeting to discuss planning for the 2012-13 season so that you are informed and prepared for your athletes to participate in group events.  Please stay tuned for meeting details.

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